Friday, July 25, 2008

Republicans Push Back as Paulson Urges Aid for Mortgage Giants

Washington Post (07/17/08) P. D1; Montgomery, Lori; Birnbaum, Jeffery H.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr. held a closed-door session with House Republicans on July 16, trying to assure them that the White House's plan to prop up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will not result in a taxpayer bailout. Paulson spent close to an hour in the hostile room, asserting that taxpayers would be protected and that the federal government's offer of help would be temporary and carefully engineered and executed. Afterwards, he told reporters, "This is something I want to see done quickly, and I am optimistic this is going to be done quickly." If GOP legislators' skepticism is not overcome, President Bush may have no other choice but to ally with Capitol Hill Democrats to push his plan through Congress.

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